Jon Muir
Jon Muir


Jon Muir

Where are you from: I was born and raised in Texas but I have lived in Montana for more than half my life.
What is your day job: Firefighter/Paramedic
What do you like to do for fun outside of CrossFit: Hike, hunt, raft, fish, ski, sew, camp, and play with dogs. Not necessarily in that order.
What makes a good coach: I think about this a lot. The most important would probably be empathy. Seeing and doing workouts, taking classes from other coaches, taking courses online, listening to podcasts, reading Journals, monitoring scaled variations, tracking programming, tracking athletes, practicing, admitting faults, allowing for safety, pushing the limits, asking questions, providing answers, being present, yelling (a lot), restraint, maintaining consistency, etc...
Why did you become a CrossFit coach: I personally get a lot of good from the CrossFit methodology and at my day job I enjoy instructing so I thought I could mix the two. Completing Level 1 opened my eyes to a lot within the CrossFit world so now being able to encourage others to have "Aha!" moments is really rewarding.
What is your favorite workout: Cindy, anything with muscle ups, heavy deadlifts, or squats.