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Kayla Johnson


February 18, 2024

At Zootown we. . .

At Zootown We. . .

Reserve Your Spot, Check In, Be On Time.

Often our classes are packed to the max so be sure to reserve your spot early.  By you not showing up for a class you’ve reserved, you’re taking that spot away from someone on the wait list. So, don’t do that. We cover a lot in class and utilize every minute. We expect that you arrive on time and stay through to the end of class.

Check Your Ego at the Door and Don’t Cheat 

Please check your ego at the door. No one cares how much you can lift, we only care how well you can lift it and if you scaled the workout appropriately. Count all your good reps, hold yourself to the highest standard and be proud of your hard work. No one likes a cheater so do the work and do it right. And on that note, be coachable. That’s what you signed up for.

Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself to all newcomers or someone you don’t recognize. Remember when you were the new guy or gal? A friendly introduction goes a long way. Plus, they may need to revive your unconscious body later on and “hey dude” is so impersonal.

Don’t Break Down Your Equipment Until Everyone Has Finished the Workout

At ZT, no one breaks down their equipment until everyone has finished the workout. This is a common courtesy that you too will one day benefit from as everyone is last in the workout someday. You can cheer on others, fist bump the people around you, grab a foam roller or just sit and enjoy the downtime. If you have somewhere to be, we get it. Go ahead and get ready to leave.

No Ghosting the Barbells, Dumbbells, Kettlebells or Wallballs – Ever

Equipment is not cheap. Please take care of our equipment so that it can last and member rates can stay low. Never drop an empty barbell, a barbell with the small 10s and 15s on them or when stripping the barbell. There should never be an (almost) empty barbell crashing sound in the gym.Gently set down dumbbells and kettlebells and slow down wallballs before they hit the floor. And please, for the love, use clips!

Clean Up After Yourself

It’s your responsibility to put away the equipment you got out, wipe down your equipment and things you touched (pullup bars, rings, etc.) and leave your spot how you found it. Make sure your shoes are clean, too.

Chalk Usage

We are no chalk gym. There are no exceptions. We sell liquid chalk and some really grippy Element 26 grips to keep you safe on the pullup bars. If you bring your own chalk into the gym, you will be asked to stop. Don’t be that person. During the Open and special situations, we will bring out chalk as necessary.

Take Care of Your Kids and Pets

Children who can sit in the kids’ area while their parents workout are welcome to come to the gym. They are not allowed at any point to come onto the gym floor. Only small children in carseats, strollers or pack n plays are allowed on the gym floor safely away from equipment. If your child is screaming or disturbing the other kids in the kids’ room, please tend to them or we will ask you to. Please clean up your kids’ messes after class. The vacuum stays close to the room for this reason. Pets are not allowed in the gym.

If You’re Not a Coach, Don’t Coach

Our coaches have learned from record-breaking trainers, CrossFit Games athletes and some of the best in the business. They know what they are talking about and it is their job to inform, instruct and coach technique. While support is great, leave the technical advice to the coaches.

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